Timber purchase
We are waiting for your offers for timber purchase!
We buy FSC®(FSC®-C128676) kilned whitewood(spruce) timber with humidity of 16+- 2%.
SF+V (fresh, solid edging, dead fallen out knots and color changes are not allowed).
Ends of timber can be left unclipped.
Every cross-section and length in seperate packet.
Calculated cross-sections
- 32 x 100 mm
- 36 x 100 mm
- 32 x 150 mm
- 47 x 125 mm
- 47 x 150 mm
- 63 x 125 mm
- 75 x 150 mm
For all delivery terms- lengths, volumes, cross-secitions, prices etc - please contact our purchase manager:
Telefon: +372 767 9261
E-mail: info@skanholz.ee
68619 Linna
Tõrva vald
Valga maakond
(Tõrva linnast 6 km Pärnu suunas)